Most people think they will be happy when they are more successful, but the reverse is true: happiness is the key to success.
When you're happy, you're living fully in the present moment. You're more attractive, aware, and poised to pursue opportunities that come your way. You become a natural magnet for greater success in any endeavor.
Medical science says happy people are also healthier. The latest research in DNA (Epigenetics), Neuroplasticity, and Quantum Field Theory indicates we have far more power to change our emotional and physical states than we previously could imagine.
If you'd like to know how to raise your vibration to a higher state so you can feel your absolute best and be happy no matter what, join the Soul Harmony™ Healing and Manifesting Event Series, where you will:
• Learn the root causes of unhappiness, anxiety, illness, and self-sabotaging behavior.
• Be empowered by understanding medical science’s current findings about how DNA really works, and how you can influence it not only to transform unwanted emotional and physical states, but also to change your destiny!
• Discover the secret to releasing—at the DNA level—unwanted emotional and physical patterns that may be holding you back.
• Experience transformational shifts in a group healing processes.
• Learn soul-centered success and wellness principles and practices based on ancient Eastern wisdom, Spiritual Psychology, mindfulness, and other holistic personal development programs.
• Participate in practical exercises that help you clarify your goals and chart your path to greater success.
• Receive guidance and support for facing challenges and pursuing your dreams.
This series of Soul Harmony™ Healing and Manifesting meetings will be held on Wednesday evenings for eight weeks, from August 26 through October 14.
PREREGISTER and receive the event address by clicking the "Reserve Your Seat" option below. Space is limited, so please reserve your seat as soon as possible.
Attendance comes with a money-back satisfaction guarantee.
If you have any questions, please contact me at 310-779-1173 or at
If you'd like to gather with other like-minded souls to resolve your issues, clarify your goals, and achieve your highest vision of well being and success, join us!