Soul Harmony™ Healing A quantum leap on your path to wholeness.
What is Soul Harmony™ Healing?
If you’re tired of feeling stuck in any area of your life and wish to finally stop repeating patterns that cause you emotional or physical "dis-ease," Soul Harmony™ Healing can set you free. This gentle process rapidly reveals and resolves the hidden, ancestral roots of unwanted emotional and physical states.
Soul Harmony™ Healing takes you on a transformational journey with a unique blend of directed dialogue, guided imagery, and other enlightening healing methods that help release ancestral patterns that can keep you from feeling your best—emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Soul Harmony™ Healing is based on scientific breakthroughs in the fields of Epigenetics, Neuroplasticity, and Quantum Field Theory, united with the principles of Spiritual Psychology and mind-body-energy medicine. This gentle, yet powerful, process uncovers and releases—at the point of origin in your DNA—the root cause of painful emotional reactions, self-sabotaging behaviors, and physical illness. It brings to awareness and transforms the subconscious feelings that can disturb your peace, make you ill, and hold you back.
Most importantly, Soul Harmony™ Healing produces palpable results that last. It is an enlightening process that produces a shift in consciousness. You will be able to feel your best, and to move forward with a heightened sense of peace, joy, clarity, and confidence.
If you’re ready for a higher level of consciousness, wellness, happiness, and success, you’re ready to experience the life-changing benefits of Soul Harmony™ Healing.
The benefits of Soul Harmony™ Healing:
• Reveals and releases from DNA the ancestral, subconscious programs that cause self-sabotage and keep you stuck in unwanted patterns
• Heals emotional trauma, shame, and guilt
• Transforms fears, phobias, anxieties
• Releases the 3 Rs: resentment, rejection, regret—plus grief, anger, deep sadness, and other crippling, toxic feelings
• Instills higher truths and new understandings that foster self-loving choices
• Increases self-trust, intuition, and ability to connect with inner wisdom
• Supports a higher level of health and well-being—
allows physical symptoms to change instantly
• Allows you to own your power and speak your truth, which improves relationships and increases your ability to manifest your desires
• Facilitates a shift to a higher state of consciousness, which promotes greater peace, bliss, clarity, and confidence
Soul Harmony™ Healing sessions are equally effective on the phone or in person.
You are meant to live in harmony and bliss!
Soul Harmony™ Healing provides a quantum leap on your path to wholeness by freeing you from the inner source of suffering and limitations. It is an enlightening process that allows you to be your Authentic Self—which is who you are when your subconscious limiting beliefs are brought to light and dissolved, and you fully embrace your inner divinity.
Once you finally release the subconscious programs that have been holding you back, your energy will be in harmony with all you truly are, allowing you to feel your best and to far more easily, confidently, and blissfully create your ideal life.
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Experience Soul Harmony™
To inquire about Soul Harmony™ Healing and arrange a session on the phone or in person, contact Shari Covens by phone at 310-779-1173 or email at
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